Monday 30 July 2012

Re-review: Approaching the Dark Age - Resonance - Matthew Chivers

After the comments on my last review of this book, I agreed to read an updated version and write another review. Thankfully, it was much improved. I managed to finish it this time and, to my surprise, enjoyed parts of it too. I'll start with the positive before moving on to some of the books more dodgy areas.

The characters are now a lot more likable. I found myself enjoying the banter between Maledream and his friend Neveah, both of which have become more rounded individuals and not so two dimensional. Angelite as well was a much better character, yes, she is weepy, a bit of a sap and at times pathetic, but she also has her strong points. her foil, Boris, balances her out and both women work well together. If Angelite was on her own, she'd drive you bonkers but together, all is well.

The world building seemed a lot more complete as well. I enjoyed learning about the Dark Age lands and Meridia as well. The role of the Creators and how the Anunaki fit into the equation as well. These parts of the book are well thought out and clearly a lot of research has gone into it. The post apocalyptic world is dark and yet still has hope for the future.

The first half of the book, I will admit, was a struggle to read, I wasn't really hooked until about half way through, when I read the Council of the Anunaki. The chapter really got me interested as it introduced a large element of risk for the characters. Stick it out until then and you'll really be rewarded for your efforts.

Now for some not so positive elements. I'm afraid to say that there are still a lot of grammatical and technical errors in the novel. Mostly these are incorrect words, like too instead of to. These could easily be solved by having another person proofread the book, which is what friends/family are for right?

Some of the metaphors, while inventive, didn't make much sense, for example, "Thousands of candles within the Council Hall began blowing themselves out and relighting themselves like a beautiful opera..." Not sure how the candles relate to opera and this is just one example of many. There are also contradicting adjectives throughout the book and after a while, this gets annoying. There is also the use of many cliche terms, such as "tail between his legs" which are just lazy, there are far better phrases to use than this tired old term.

OK, so to sum up, I enjoyed the read this time and managed to finish the book, it still has its issues but it is well worth a read. I admire Chivers for admitting to his novel being flawed and going a long way to fixing some of the problems.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Debbie.

    I am pleased you finished the first book! I am still sorry that you could not the first time round, but I must thank you again for giving my story a second chance and having the time and energy spare to give it another read. You tell it like it is, which means I have a lot of respect for your reviews – all criticism, good or bad, is always welcome because then it means it gives me room to improve and grow.

    I have some big ideas coming up for the series (and even have a prequel planned) and cannot wait to heavily expand on more of the story for the later books. I am still undecided when it will end, I am toying with the numbers 6 and 7 at the moment, but that could change. I am setting myself a new word target for the 4th book of a 150,000 words.

    You mentioned the to/too problem – I did wonder if I got them right, even tried the dictionary on them, but could not quite get it right. However, I will give them another look! In addition, the inventive metaphors are something I have missed in the first book. In the second and third book I do not think there are any, or very few of them at the least (my writing style between all 3 books has changed dramatically as I have improved, so I’ve basically said “nope, doesn’t quite make sense” sort of thing in the recent books). I think with the first book it was my attempt to try and come up with a creative way to try and make the story sound more “richer” – obviously though, this means the reader will be like “what...did I....just read?”. In the most recent second revision (4.0 edition on Kindle), I focused more on the grammar and other little bits, such as commas, etc. Back in May I really felt that these were the key areas holding back the series (hence the second revision / 4.0 Kindle edition) and so missed out many of the creative metaphors in the crossfire in favour of the more important stuff that needed more work :-).

    With Resonance, I have to admit, it has been a steady transition over the newer editions to weed out the more “weirder” lines of text in favour of better, readable ones. I will strive to make Resonance all that it can be, one day it will be perfect! Its times like these that I really wish I had Stephen Kings brain :-)

    Would you like me to send you the second and third book in the series for you to read? If you fancy reading more of the series, I will be more than happy to send you the copies (if you have the time of course).

    Before I go, I must thank you again for the re-read of the first book – and for the time and patience working through it – so thank you!

    Kind regards,


  3. Hi Matthew,

    Thanks for taking the time to read my review, I'm pleased to hear that you value them! It's nice to find someone who is willing to grow and learn from something as humble as my opinion, for that is all this is.

    It was lovely to see the improvements you've made as you've gone on from the first draft, it was a pleasure to read! It's also great to see that you're aware that writing is a journey of ever improvement. I re-read some of my own work and think, 'How did I ever think that would make sense?' It's reassuring to know everyone goes through it.

    I'd be more than happy to read through the other books but I can't promise you when, I've got a pile (as always) but if you send me them, I'll put them in and get round to it.

    Best Wishes,


  4. Hello Debbie,

    Yep, totally value your reviews (again, you tell it like it is - respect)! I Will send you the next two, no worries when you can, I can understand you have a few books to get through so I will remain patient and just check back on occasion :)

    Thank you for your time and energy, really appreciate it!

    kind regards and best wishes,

