Tuesday 28 May 2013

The Gunslinger (again) - Stephen King

Yes, I know, I have already read and reviewed this book. Don't despair, I will read something different next, I promise. I loved it the first time and when this was the only book near me when my kindle decided to die (it just needs a recharge) I was overjoyed.

I've never re-read a book before and been as impressed the second time around than I have with this one. On the first reading you're all blown away with the tension building and then the release, the whirlwind of story and darkness of character sweep you off on an adventure that is like no other you'll ever have. I knew what I was getting myself in for when I picked it up this time, however, with this reading, it is the small details that stand out. There are concepts and ideas mentioned in the novel that are not explained until several novels down the line. It is a real credit to King's skills as a writer that this happens. These details make a lot more sense on a second reading and as a whole, make the story that much more enjoyable.

On the second reading, I no longer had to worry whether I liked the protagonist. This time, I understand his reasons for doing what he does and cannot hate him for it either. Yes, he is still the dark brooding antihero he was before but my perception of him has altered through gained knowledge and this enhances the whole experience. I also didn't feel the same about Jake, the young boy in the story, there was no sympathy for him on his 'experiences' (I won't say what it is, some of you may not have read his yet) as I knew what was ahead. What I didn't reckon on was there being the first chapter of The Drawing of the Three at the end, which has just made me want to read on. I will be disappointed once more when I open my next book and find Roland Deschain isn't in it!

The setting, language and mood of the novel are all as captivating as they were the first time around and I strongly advice those of you who have not read this novel/series yet to stop what you are doing, find a copy and read it. Why are you still reading this drivel? Go!

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