Monday 17 June 2013

Star Trek: Into Darkness - Alan Dean Foster

So, I loved the film and as I am unable to go and see it again, I decided to try the book. Alan Dean Foster wrote the novel for the film Alien so I had rather high expectations. Here's what I thought.

As far as a film novelization goes, the book is fine. It followed the storyline exactly. There were no deviations from the plot line, even the speech was nearly word perfect, which was a nice recap if that is what you are after. I was hoping for a bit more than this. Maybe I was foolish to expect some further insights into character motivations and feelings. I mean, I know it was meant to follow the film and such but was it too much to expect a little more life breathed into them? The actors need to do this with their bodies, authors do so with words and as far as I am concerned, this book fails to do so.

Don't get me wrong, some parts of this novel really get the pages turning. The action scenes are a real pleasure to read; the space battles are fraught, fast paced and well read.The characters are true to the originals as well, there was no point that Spock, for instance, did anything un-Spock-like. Kirk was still the cheeky, rough and ready Star Ship Captain and Khan was still the revenge hungry ego-maniac he always has been. This, at least, is spot on in the novel and is a credit to the author.

Here's another downside; some of the language is a bit confusing. The sentences were too long which clouded the meanings somewhat. I had to read some of them several times to understand what the author was getting at - and this wasn't during the uber science parts either. This made it a bit frustrating at times but didn't detract from the overall read.

All in all, this book was an alright read but it lacked some of the insights into the characters that I have come  to expect in other novels. Still, it's not bad and worth a read.

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