Wednesday 10 April 2013

HMS Surprise - Patrick O'Brian

This is the third installment of O'Brian's series and as I have enjoyed the last two, I thought I would go for the next to see if it was as good as the last.

The novel built on the themes and characters of the last two novels and introduced some new ones too. It was a joy to read even though it was written along similar lines to the last. The parts I found most amusing was Jack's inability to remember cliche sayings. He often merged two together and got them totally incorrect. As well as adding an amusing aspect to the character it shows genius on O'Brian's part for using cliches in a new way. Jack was rather hurt when other characters pointed out his failings and couldn't quite understand what he was doing wrong. It built on his already well established character and was enjoyable.

This time, the characters found themselves in India and the description of the setting is vivid and a credit to the author. I could almost smell the places they visited, feel the warmth of the humid sun and hear the cries of different people as they explored their surroundings. O'Brian is a master at conveying meaning through the eyes of his characters. The same scene is described totally differently depending on who is leading that particular section of narrative - it really is a treat to read. The sea battles are written in such a way, you can't read fast enough, you have to know what happens and the suspense is fantastic.

Also much improved in this novel is the time/location jumps. Many of the long sea voyages are glossed over - who wants to read about the monotonous six month voyage from England to India one day at a time? Important events are well written and this time, instead of just jumping forward, there is an explanation. The transition is much smoother and it makes a better read. The naval jargon is still there but at this point, I have learned enough to know the difference between sets of sails so it no longer seems to be much of an issue (for me anyway).

I am going to take a break form the series however, I don't want to have too much of a good thing! It's not finished though, I shall return to it in time. They really are worth a read!

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