Tuesday 13 November 2012

Wand of the Witch (Misfit Heroes 2) - Daniel Arenson

I really enjoyed the different aspects of Arenson's first Misfit novel and thought I would give the second one a go. It has a tough first novel to follow and I feel it fell a little short, here's why.

There were a couple of things Arenson tried to achieve in writing that should be left in the realm of film. The Montage. This works very well as a time filler in films, where we don't need to see the entire training session of a group of soldiers for example. I found this did not translate well into words. For a start the placing of this montage in the book was a real jerk to the pacing. Normally montages are set to music and although a tune is mentioned in the novel, it was a real difficulty trying to suspend my disbelief enough to allow for random music, even in a comedy fantasy novel. It just seemed too far fetched for me to enjoy. Saying this, a huge well done to Arenson for trying something new and a bit quirky. It just didn't work for me.

The pacing of the novel was a bit off for my tastes as well, there seemed to be parts that dragged on when you just wanted to find out what was going on. Who needs a side story when you're about to go fight the baddie at the end? 

One thing that worked for me in the first novel was the use of accents and stutters. One of the characters suffers from a crippling stammer, she is unable to pronounce 'r's' and 'l's', instead they are typed as 'w', this was endearing in the first novel, it was annoying in this one. Some of the sentences were hard to understand and this was a hindrance to the novel as a whole. One of the other characters comes across as 'too stupid to live' and I have to wonder what they brought to the novel as a whole. I'm not going to name them as that would be unfair.

There are good points in the novel as well, the world is well written and some of the writing is well worth a read. I enjoyed reading about Mazrilla and I think her background is very cleverly written. It fits well and she has sound motivation for being the way she is. You learn a lot about the people from the world as a whole while seeing through her eyes and these part of the narrative are very good.

Putting aside the issues I have highlighted above, this novel is worth a read. It's nowhere near as good or as funny as the first novel and if a third comes out I doubt I will bother to look at it but to say the book is unreadable would be unfair. Give it a go, after all, this is just my thoughts and who's to say I'm right?

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