This book was a total change from what I have just read and was a free recommendation from people via Twitter. I thought I'd give it a go as it's not something I would 'normally' read (although I am no longer sure what that is).
The first part of this book wasn't great for me. The author tries to cram in a lot of back story as his main character grows from little girl to adult. Key events are mentioned and highlighted but most of this is done in narrative form. While this is very well written, it prevents the reader from getting to know the character very well. I thought it erected a barrier between myself and the protagonist and made it difficult for me to get to know her properly. Don't get me wrong though, the narrative is very well written, there isn't a word there that doesn't belong and neither does it drag on and on, or ponder over insignificant details.
Narrative takes a sharp exit at about half way, which was when I truely started to enjoy the book. We see things from the point of view of a well developed, flawed character. She finds herself with the wrong person despite her best efforts to do the right thing. Nor is she perfect at everything, she had things she isn't so good at and it makes it easy to like her. It is the opposuite of the first half of the novel and is well worth the wait.
The pacing picks up during the second half of the novel and after this I found myself unable to stop reading, despite a tent needing to be packed and such other matters. I was a little disappointed with the ending but that's a personal preference. It's not about closure, the ending just snuck up on me and I was expecting things to be a little more rounded. I guess I'll have to read the second one to find out what happens. A cunning marketing ploy from Mike Wells no doubt - it worked. Go and read this book, its worth a go!